Do you miss Artifact News?

We do too. So we built Justn to try to ease the pain. Then we build a bunch of things we wished more news app have. And it was great.

It's free so try it out and let us know what you think!

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Comprehensive Coverage

From local to global, Justn ensures you never miss a moment.  Everything from politics to pop culture, science to sports.
Personalized for You
There’s a lot of trash out there so Justn tailors topics to your tastes, providing perfectly personalized content.

We use machine learning to assess your likes and dislikes, then present news that matters to you. Plus the model continues to learn and improve itself over time.
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Seamless & Speedy
Our sleek and streamlined interface guarantees an easy and satisfying user experience. Say goodbye to clunky navigation and hello to a harmonious, hassle-free journey through the news. 
It's Free
Oh, we forgot to mention it's free and currently has no ads.

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