Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information

Note: This is design for California and Virginia Residents in the United States Only

Residents of California and Virginia ("you," "your") have specific rights regarding the protection of their personal information. Justn, Inc. ("we," "us," "our") respects these rights and provides the following information to help you understand your options and our practices.Your Privacy RightsUnder the California Privacy Rights Act ("CPRA") and the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act ("VCDPA"), you have the right to:

Opt-Out of Targeted Advertising:
You can request that we do not use your personal information to deliver targeted or affinity-based advertisements (collectively, "sharing").

Opt-Out of the Sale of Personal Information:
The term "sale" is broadly defined to include disclosing your personal information in exchange for money or other valuable consideration. While Justn does not sell your personal information to third parties for monetary compensation, we may disclose certain data points, such as website or app usage, to our service providers to help us understand and improve our services.

How We Handle Your Personal Information
Justn does not share user information with third-party advertisers. We use limited digital cookies and trackers to maintain and enhance our services. For detailed information on how we collect, use, and protect your data, please review our Privacy Policy.You have the option to opt out of all "sharing" of your personal information for interest-based advertising with any online service. To learn more about what personal information we collect and how we use it, please submit your inquiry at

Continued Sharing with Service Providers
Please note that we are legally permitted to share your personal information with non-advertising-based service providers as outlined in our Privacy Policy. However, you will not be subject to third-party advertisements while using our App or Site.Your Privacy ChoicesRegardless of your location, you can take steps to opt out of having your online activity and device data collected by third parties. Here are some methods to help you manage your privacy:Blocking Cookies: Most web browsers accept cookies by default but allow you to modify your settings to disable or reject cookies, including those for interest-based advertising. Be aware that disabling cookies may affect the functionality of certain features of the App or Site. You can find instructions for managing cookies in various browsers here:
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer

Advertising Industry Opt-Out Tools: We do not share your information with third-party advertisers.

Mobile App Tracking Opt-Out Tools: You can manage your opt-out rights for mobile application tracking by adjusting the settings on your device:

Using Privacy Plug-ins or Browsers: You can block our websites from activating cookies by using browsers with privacy features, such as Brave or DuckDuckGo, or by installing privacy-focused plugins like Privacy Badger, Ghostery, or uBlock Origin.For additional information and to exercise your privacy rights, please review our Privacy Policy or contact us directly.

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